Download Autumn 2023 Assessing the performance of their own activities in the UK, the German-British Business community is currently not as positive as it was six months ago. However, when looking ahead the mood continues to be optimistic. SURVEYS & REPORTS
Download Spring 2023 Despite a flatlining economy, the sentiments in the German-British business community in the UK have improved significantly. SURVEYS & REPORTS
Download Autumn 2022 “Challenging times ahead”, but for the German-British business community the UK is still a relatively good market and place for doing business SURVEYS & REPORTS
Download Spring 2022 The German-British business community remains more positive about its own activities in the UK than about the British economy overall. The war in Ukraine and global supply chain issues present new challenges, which are increasingly affecting the business community. On the other hand, addressing climate change will offer significant business opportunities, however current initiatives in the UK are not yet seen as sufficient. SURVEYS & REPORTS