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German-British Business Outlook

The German-British Chamber conducts a bi-annual survey amongst its members and other economic actors to help evaluate the UK's economic climate. Here you can find summaries of the latest and previous surveys.

German-British Chamber Survey
Getty Images / Jannoon028

Autumn 2024 – Executive Summary

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The German-British business community continues to be successful, but the overall sentiment is not as positive as it was six months ago. Unsurprisingly, participants believe the UK Government should continue to prioritise resetting its relationship with the EU, estimating that this could improve their trading conditions. 

Currently, 46% of respondents view their own operations as performing positively or very positively, 38% as stable, and 15% as negatively. This predominantly positive outlook is likely due to the strong competitive position that companies in the German-British business community have built over the past five years. Nearly 40% were able to improve their position in the market vis-à-vis their competitors, with  only 16% experiencing  a decline in this respect. Being a “German” brand or German owned seems to be a competitive advantage in the British market.

In contrast to the positive outlook for their own operations, the sentiments for the overall development of the UK economy have deteriorated. Now, only 21% of firms (compared to 34% in spring 2024) still expect the UK economy to perform better over the coming year and 33% are expecting a sluggish performance (19% in spring). As a result, only 32% (44% in spring) aim to expand their activities. However, demand for labour continues to be strong with 40% of companies expecting to hire new staff over the coming year.

As with our past findings, political uncertainty, lack of demand, shortage of skills, and administrative hurdles as a result of Brexit continue to be major challenges for doing business in the UK. Therefore, it is not surprising that 80% of the German-British business community believe that the UK Government’s biggest economic priority should be to continue to improve the relationship with the EU. Interestingly, just 20% of participants consider controlling the public deficit a key priority. 

  • 21% of the survey participants have a positive outlook for the UK economy

    This number compares to 34% in spring 2024.

  • 46% see their own operations performing positively

    Nearly 40% were able to improve their position in the market vis-à-vis their competitors, with only 16% experiencing a decline in this respect.

  • 80% hope for better relations with the European Union

    The German-British business community believe that the UK Government’s biggest economic priority should be to continue to improve the relationship with the EU.

Previous Surveys:

German British Business Outlook - Spring 2022 (Cover).jpg Download

Spring 2022

The German-British business community remains more positive about its own activities in the UK than about the British economy overall. The war in Ukraine and global supply chain issues present new challenges, which are increasingly affecting the business community. On the other hand, addressing climate change will offer significant business opportunities, however current initiatives in the UK are not yet seen as sufficient.

Autumn 2022.jpg Download

Autumn 2022

“Challenging times ahead”, but for the German-British business community the UK is still a relatively good market and place for doing business

Spring 2023.png Download

Spring 2023

Despite a flatlining economy, the sentiments in the German-British business community in the UK have improved significantly.

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Autumn 2023

Assessing the performance of their own activities in the UK, the German-British Business community is currently not as positive as it was six months ago. However, when looking ahead the mood continues to be optimistic.
