Membership Advantages

With an extensive membership network of around 800 German and British companies we offer our members professional support and an exclusive platform to meet, exchange ideas and grow their business. Our member companies range from growth-oriented start-ups to world-leading multinational companies, in all commercial and industrial sectors. Join us as a member and experience first-hand the manifold advantages we offer: from excellent networking opportunities and exclusive events to discounted members’ prices and promotional activities.


You will have access to:

For Sustaining Members:

  • Additional exclusive events with high-ranking politicians and business leaders
  • You can bring additional company representatives to our events
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You will receive a 15% discount on our events and publications.

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Members’ Forum

You will have the opportunity to increase your visibility and engage with our German-British Business Community by publishing news from your company in our Members’ Forum.

For Sustaining Members:

  • Your logo will feature prominently on our website and publications
  • Your company will be featured in our social media communications
© LDProd

To promote and support your business your company details will be listed in:

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German-British Jobs

Members can advertise 6 job vacancies per annum for free and any further vacancies at a reduced members' rate.

German-British Jobs

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© Anna Kunst Photography

"Business thrives on collaboration and the power of the German-British Chamber network of skills can be a game changer for companies with operations in both countries. The AHK does not just connect people, it connects the right people, and that I believe is the real value, which makes them such a catalyst for success. Having been a member for over 10 years, it’s plain to see that their events, their excellent internal support team and their members have played a huge collective role in the Progress Factors’ story."

Nick Stanforth
Founder at Progress Factors GmbH & Ltd

© Dr Oetker (UK) Ltd

"The German-British Chamber provides a professional home to German business in the UK. The diversity of its members and affiliates is an extremely useful resource for educated discussions and expert advice."

Dr Johannes Rosenthal
Former Managing Director, Dr Oetker (UK) Ltd

© BayernLB

"Brexit brings disruption and we need to work proactively at rebuilding bilateral relationships across the European continent. The Chamber acts as a forum within which this can be developed and cultivated."

Christoph Weaver
General Manager, London Branch of BayernLB

© Patricia Godfrey

"A wide network of colleagues and contacts across a range of industries with a common interest in promoting German-British business interests. In addition, the wide offering to members in terms of support, events and guidance is invaluable, none of which would be possible without the excellent team at Buckingham Gate under the stellar stewardship of Ulrich. On a personal level I enjoy the collegiality of my fellow council members as well as the privilege and challenge of chairing the council."

Patricia Godfrey
Chair of the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce

© Commerzbank

"Networking with business-oriented representatives from both countries is extremely helpful and important. It allows an open exchange of opinions, which create new ideas and broadens my viewpoint."

Til Schlummer
Former CEO at Commerzbank, London
Corporates International Regional Board Member

© Wacker Chemicals Ltd

"The Chamber is my 'home from home.' I enjoy swapping ideas with all kinds of interesting entrepreneurs and management personalities at networking events. Wacker Chemicals, as a corporate member, helps to shape the work of the Chamber, for example in the Spring Survey 2019, which Ulrich Hoppe invited us to. The Chamber is also close to the German Embassy."

Gabriele Thye
Former Managing Director, Wacker Chemicals Ltd