Logo of German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce

Tax Department

As a trainee in the Tax Department you will learn about assisting with UK and German VAT and CIS registrations, preparing VAT and CIS returns, and addressing tax law enquiries in both English and German.

German Tax Internship London
iStock.com / jamesteohart
Trainee Responsibilities in the Tax Department
  • Assisting with UK and German VAT registrations and the preparation of VAT returns
  • Preparing UK Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) registrations and CIS returns 
  • Responding to tax law enquiries from British and German companies regarding UK and German VAT law in both English and German 
  • Supporting staff in their day-to-day tasks with a focus on client communication 
  • Researching and compiling information for internal guidance

Placement Information

We are currently accepting applications for 2025.

For a placement to take place at our office, you require to hold the Right-to-Work Status in the UK to be able to enter the United Kingdom. This could be if you are a British or Irish national or if you have acquired (Pre-) Settled Status prior to 31 December 2020.

If you are a full-time student in the United Kingdom and your work placement is an integral and assessed part of your course, you may also under current Immigration rules be eligible to undertake a placement with us.

We offer two types of placements for students for which the placement forms an integral part of their studies, who have the Right-to-Work-Status in the UK and have a level of proficiency in the German language of at least B2/C1 of the CEFR. The placements we offer are either:

  • Ad hoc placements (limited number) of at least three months in duration (these are generally unpaid)
  • One-year placements for sandwich course students (one per year)

We are open to remotely held placements. Please do not hesitate to contact us, should this be of interest to you.

What's on offer?

The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce is a not for profit membership organisation and the first point of call for German or British businesses wanting to expand into the respective markets.

To achieve the best service for this business community, we rely on a strong team of professionals.

During your placement, you will assist one of the departments in their daily work, including direct contact with clients and member companies, and take part in continuing projects.

You will have the chance to develop and prove your skills working independently as well as in a team in this interesting and varied business environment.


  • You are registered with a higher education institution
  • You will graduate only after you have finished the placement
  • The placement is relevant for your degree-related learning

About Your Application

Application Procedure

To apply for a placement with the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce please fill in the Application Overview and submit it together with the necessary additional documents stated in Placement Information.

Email your application to praktika(@)ahk-london.co.uk

Please note: we only accept Word files (.doc) and Acrobat files (.pdf)

Or post your application to:
German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
Ms Sabine Marland
16 Buckingham Gate

Application Documentation

In order to complete a placement at the German-British Chamber, your application must include:

  • Placement Application Overview (please download a copy from the downloads box on this page)
  • Covering letter in English and CV (English or German) 
  • Enrolment certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) and/or most recent exam results 
  • Qualifications / work experience (optional)

Please note that your application will be rejected if you fail to include all items.

Please do not send orginals as these cannot be returned. Please either send PDF files that can be printed easily on A4 pages or hardcopy photocopies.

Selection Process

All complete applications are collected by the Trainee Administration and distributed to the relevant departments. Only complete applications are processed. The departments will select and contact candidates and usually conduct telephone interviews.

When a candidate has been chosen, the German-British Chamber of Industry & commerce will send out a formal acceptance confirmation to the applicant.

Additional Information on Placements in the UK

Unfortunately, the German-British Chamber does not arrange placements or hold lists of companies offering placements. However, the German-British Jobs page may show companies advertising such positions.

Download the Placement Overview & Application Form

Contact the Trainee Administration Team
Mrs Sabine Marland
Head of Finance & Organisation

T: +44 20 79764100
E: praktika@ahk-london.co.uk