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German National Tourist Board

Focus on digitalization and sustainability

Castle on the Hill (2).png
German National Tourist Office

The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) is Germany’s national tourism organisation. It works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) to represent Germany as a tourist destination and is funded by the Ministry in accordance with a decision taken by the German Bundestag. Working closely with the German travel industry and private-sector partners and trade associations, the GNTB develops strategies and marketing campaigns to promote Germany’s positive image as a tourist destination abroad and to encourage tourists to visit the country.

The GNTB promotes future-orientated and sustainable tourism in line with the objectives of the German government. The GNTB is a thought leader in the use of immersive technologies (virtual, augmented and mixed reality), voice assistants and other conversational interfaces, as well as artificial intelligence applications such as chatbots. To ensure that tourism offerings are visible on AI-based marketing platforms, the GNTB coordinates the German tourism industry’s open-data project, which aims to develop a tourism knowledge graph.

Sustainability has been a core theme for more than a decade and the GNTB incorporates sustainability strategically across all areas of the organisation. The GNTB promotes responsible tourism, a key growth area, by showcasing Germany as a sustainable and inclusive destination in the international travel market. This is particularly important as the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the global shift in travellers' values towards greater social and environmental responsibility.