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Resilience drives Customer-Centricity as you practice what you preach

The Retail Performance Company holds customer-centricity at the core of everything we do, driving business performance, as better connections between brands and customers create value for everybody involved.

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The Retail Performance Company

Through 2020 we all saw a dynamic change in how we work, live and play. So much, we saw the quietly emerging understanding of mental health take centre stage, as it became very evident for the world that we all play the lead role in ensuring and maintaining our own mental health well-being ahead of our colleagues, peers, team, business and customers.

Jasmine Perera, Head of Sales and Operations for the UK, Professional Coach and Master NLP Practitioner with Applied Neuroscience: “We see the trends and growing complexities also reflected in the services requested from our clients. Whilst we have an increasing demand for performance solutions, be it in Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, Consulting, Training, and Coaching, our people-focused offers like our Virtual Resilience Programme have gained a key focus of empathetic and authentic strength in 2021. Customer-centricity starts within!”

To find out how your business is tracking and how you can benefit from “human-centric” thinking, visit our website or email: info-uk(at)rpc-partners.com