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UK Government launches Scale-up visa to help growing firms hire talent

Vanessa Ganguin, Managing Partner of Vanessa Ganguin Immigration Law on the latest post-Brexit work immigration route

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Vanessa Ganguin Immigration Law

The UK has launched the much-awaited Scale-up visa promising to make it cheaper and easier for fast-growing firms to sponsor and hire highly-skilled migrants, such as programmers, scientists, financial advisers, economists, engineers, HR managers.

The Scale-up visa is a very flexible route to settlement together with dependants.

It is an attractive work visa for employers as the set-up is streamlined, the cost and administrative burden relatively low. Applying to be able to sponsor Scale-up Workers is easier and cheaper than other comparable sponsor licences.

To qualify scale-ups must have annualised growth in either staff or turnover of at least 20% over the past three years, with at least ten staff to begin with.  

You can read more about the new Scale-up visa, eligibility and the pros and cons in our full explainer of the new visa here

Feel free to contact us on +44(0) 207 033 9527 or enquiries(at)vanessaganguin.com for a consultation on this or any other immigration routes for you and the talent you need to hire.